Terry Fox, Making the Impossible Possible.
Maybe you know that Google has something called Doodles. Or maybe not. To make a long story short, a Google Doodle is an override of the logo on the Google home page that is intended to celebrate parties, events, achievements or people. The one we are going to talk about today is called "Celebrating Terry Fox". And it has the next image as the doodle cover. Credits for the image: Google and Lynn Scurfield , the artist Terry Fox was an athlete and humanitarian, he was born in Canada on July 28, 1958. At the age of 18 he was diagnosed with bone cancer, what some time later, lead to the amputment of his leg. While he was being treated he got to know some of the stories of other patients, which really hitted him. That didnt stop him, and only made bigger his desire of finding a cure for cancer desease. On April 12, 1980, after three years of his diagnostic, he decided to go to "Marathon of Hope". He ran almost a marathon per day, making a total of 5,37...